Contact Dr Jutta Tobias
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Jutta Tobias Mortlock (Ph.D.) is a Social Psychologist with over 20 years of experience in organisational development and capacity-building in six countries on three continents.
Jutta's research and public outreach work is focused on the link between wellbeing and sustainable performance at work, especially in high-stakes settings such as in the Armed Forces and in extreme poverty contexts. She is an expert in 'Third Wave' behavioural analysis and therapy, drawing on acceptance and mindfulness-based frameworks to generate interventions that improve the status quo for people at work. Jutta has been directing funded research projects on innovative ways to bring mindfulness to high-stress work populations in UK Defence. She has extensive experience in advising policy-makers, government officials, and the general public in the UK and in the US on translating scientific insights into practice and policy.
Her research has been published in peer-reviewed outlets such as the Journal of Business Venturing, Learning and Instruction, the International Journal of Operations and Production Management, and Mindfulness, as well as featuring in the popular media including in The Times, Huffington Post, and on the BBC.
In a previous life, Jutta worked as consultant for Arthur Andersen and other IT firms, partnering with clients such as Goldman Sachs, Nomura and McKinsey on their strategy implementation. She conducted her doctoral research in Rwanda, and learned the art and science of lobbying in the public interest as the post-doctorial James Marshall Public Policy Fellow for the American Psychological Association (APA) during Washington, DC's "glory days" when President Obama introduced the Health Care Reform bill.
Jutta is a Fellow of the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce), holds a psychotherapeutic counselling qualification from the University of Cambridge, and has volunteered in US prisons for the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP), a volunteer-run conflict transformation program.